You start with a muddy field and end with a muddy field, what happens in-between makes all the difference
At EESI, our capable and diligent team restore the value of contaminated soil and groundwater resources, using unique scientific based solutions. In our Blog Posts you can find out how we have harnessed this expertise and knowledge to develop effective options and services for remediation.
Case Study: Former Steel Works
Our client has challenged us to develop an innovative approach for the remediation and rehabilitation of a significant parcel of land that was previously used as a hazardous waste landfill. Working closely together, we developed an ambitious roadmap for the redevelopment of the site for new commercial use, based on a concept that has been […]
Case Study: OPPs Remediation, Former Pesticide Manufacturing Facility, UK
Over the past three decades EESI have continued to develop market leading bioremediation capabilities and services. Our expertise in technology includes treating very high concentrations of compounds such as coal tars and heavy end hydrocarbons through to recalcitrant compounds such as pesticides. Treating Organophosphate Pesticide (OPP) In a recently completed UK project we were […]
Case Study: Ullenwood, Cheltenham, UK. Unpicking an Asbestos Legacy at a former commercial facility, for redeveloped for residential use.
Commissioned as Principal Contractor, we supported an innovative and forward-thinking house builder prepare a former commercial site, for future residential use. Our role included the completion of demolition, remediation and enabling works. As well as waste management and regulatory liaison. Proactively working with the clients environmental consultant throughout the project. The main remediation objective was […]
Case Study: Dynamic Biopiling, North East England, UK
The treatment of gross, NAPL-saturated, gasworks waste presents a significant technical challenge. Many treatment options such as soil washing, or thermal desorption offer little commercial benefit against offsite disposal and offsite options are often much less sustainable and more expensive. Design Innovation Following more than 20 years of research and development, EESI have developed a […]